Two years ago their father Robert and mother Abby gave up their regular jobs to preach for the Family Radio church at the centre of the May 21 Judgment Day campaign.
In a last ditch effort to spread the word before the Armageddon that they believe will happen tomorrow, Robert and Abby took their children to a New York street fair.
Speaking to the New York Times, 16-year-old Grace Haddad said: 'My mom has told me directly that I’m not going to get into heaven. At first it was really upsetting, but it’s what she honestly believes.'
But while the followers of radical evangelist Harold Camping prepare to meet their maker at 6pm on Saturday, no rapture reports were heard from Christmas Island in Kiribati - where the earthquake was set to hit first at 6pm local time.
However, the local newspaper, television and radio websites were all not working - probably more due to the fact that the world's media was inundating them with calls than Armaggedon having indeed begun.
Two earthquakes of magnitudes over 2.5 were reported shortly after 6pm local time (midnight Eastern Time) hit Christmas Island.
The U.S. Geological Survey says a 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Solomon Islands region and a 3.1 in the Hawaii area between 00:30am and 00:45am Eastern Time.
But before you start preparing for the Armaggeddon, there are usually 30 to 40 earthquakes measuring more than 2.5 every day worldwide. Read More