Monday, May 9, 2011

Downing Street won't fly EU flag as Cameron snubs Europe Day... but Lib Dems WILL hoist banner - 9th May 2011

Downing Street will defy the European Union’s wishes today by refusing to fly its flag on Europe Day.

The decision highlights a split within the Coalition on how to mark May 9, which has been celebrated across the EU since 1985.

The Foreign Office will not fly the 12-star EU flag and George Osborne’s Treasury will also stick to the union flag.

Lib Dem Business Secretary Vince Cable will, however, hoist the blue and gold banner over his offices in Westminster.

Number 10 is one of the main government buildings rejecting Brussels’ wishes to see the EU flag flown across the entire bloc.

The flags of the four nations of the UK are flown on the relevant saint’s days but David Cameron government has ended Labour’s practice of flying Europe’s banner over Number 10 on set days.

But Mr Cable, who recently described his Tory colleagues as ‘ruthless, calculating and thoroughly tribal’ would clearly rather remain at odds with his Conservative bosses.

A spokesman for the Business department said its top civil servant, permanent secretary Martin Donnelly, had decided to continue the tradition of raising the EU flag.

The Foreign Office – run by William Hague, who has Tory leader fought a campaign to ‘save the pound’ – will not be flying the 12 star EU flag. Read More